On the great plains of Africa, predators must seize any opportunity to gain the upper hand. The cheetah and gazelle are natural opponents, both compelled by two profoundly embedded instincts; one to chase and the other - to flee.
This is the story of two fawns, living parallel lives – one, an Impala resident in the southern acacia forests, and the other, a Thompson’s gazelle soon to be on the march with the great herds. Both must out run the hunters to survive in a relentless and deadly contest – a race for life itself.
All those on journey’s have help and guidance but our little fawns mother runs the same race, takes the same – and in some instances more – risks. But she will face death to protect him. And it’s not just hungry predators they will encounter……
The very ground they must walk upon is treacherous. There are rivers to swallow them up and the boiling sun scorches the earth and makes the life-giving water disappear.
Our young gazelles grow up learning about the threats that challenge all the creatures of the bush: big cats, jackals and hyenas. Over time, our fawns learn the ways and wiles of becoming a mature gazelle – and stand proud as ones who have survived the previous journey. The Fawn Identity is a story of courage and instinct; of hope and desperation – all in the East of Africa, truly one of the most beautiful places on Earth.