In Whale Guardian we meet American whale researcher Nan Hauser at her amazing house in the middle of the beautiful nature of the island of Rarotonga, one of the idyllic Cook Islands. She gets a phone call from one of the local fishermen: humpback whales have been spotted of the shore. Immediately she jumps into action, grabbing her essentials and she speeds to her research center. As she arrives at the center her team is already preparing the boat and in no time they are out on the water, on their way to find the whales, prepared for another day full of excitement.
Every year, for 28 years now, Nan leaves shares her time between her home in Maine and her home in Rarotonga where she does her field research. Nan has devoted her life to promoting and enabling whale conservation and marine research around the globe, which makes her a great example of how one individual can make a true difference in the world. Without Nan passionately pursuing the conservation of humpback whalesand other sea mammals many great accomplishments would have never taken place. She is worldly renowned and was given a life time achievement awardby Conservation International for her outstanding work in the aquatic world and her undying passion for these impressive animals of the ocean.
Due to her hard work and passion Nan has been able to establish the creation of over two million square kilometers whalesanctuaryin the E.E.Z. of the Cook Islands and the banishment of US Navy sonar activities. This sonar was producing a torturing frequency for beaked whales, causing them to strand and die. She also built a whale education center in Rarotonga, known as the Whale and Wildlife Centre and is the director and president of the Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation (CCRC). To this day she continuously works on preserving and protecting humpback whales and other cetaceans across the world.